
Wk5 TT

Learning outcome 
outcome learning

How many of you know and what are the learning outcomes in your project brief are for?
How many that you think that is achievable?


What is the difference between "learning aims" and "learning outcomes"? After all, you are required to write module or programme aims. How are these different from learning outcomes?

aims: goal/  apply for other project >skill
outcomes: what we are gonna do in the project. / come out with the  project.> experiment

Aims are teacher- centred: they state what the teacher hopes to do.
Outcomes are learner- centred: they state what the student can expect to be able to do after a course of study.

Technology integrated into the natural

Do everything possible to make use of materials to create high-tech, it is better to let the technology integrated into the natural.
Italian designer Marco Stefanelli use of waste wood, wood piles, plus LED create this leisurely with natural flavor lamps

Design beyond technology





Wk7 I am made for SAM

Our group
Jennifer, Reggy, Pranati, Yofany

The word 

Learning Aims: 
To understand how technology has changed the medium of explaining an artwork

Learning Outcomes: 
1 To see differences between various mediums 
2 To contextualize on art work
3 Using conventional material in unique ways

1 How does the video downstairs helps to explain the artwork that is exhibited?
2 How does the words on the wall helps to explain the artwork that is exhibited?
3 Contextualize between two mediums! (video and words) 
4 Why do you think the artist use the two mediums to explain their artworks?
5 What is your opinions about these two mediums? 


Questions by Trisha, Trisha, Almira, Daniel

1. How important are the placement of the artwork? 
We realize that the placement of the artwork is pretty important, because: 
- The artwork is placed in circular flow (circle shape) where the seat is located in the center and it created attention and trigger the curiosity of the audiences. 
- The artwork is placed on a "images" that glowing in the dark. It added more details and more interest on the artwork that is being exhibited.
- The artwork is surrounded by the lamp with different types, light (yellow and white), and angle which creates different color and intensity. For me personally, this is quite attractive because it is unusual, many lamps surrounding one simple chair 
- We realized as well, when we are "going" to see the artwork, we must pass a "labyrinth" that actually leading to the artworks. It kind of "scary" and also exciting, as the artwork can't be seen as it is but have to pass a "labyrinth' (journey) 

In conclusion, we think that the placement is important, where it shown by the varieties and also in fact, that the artwork is interactive. We know that the artwork is interactive because there is the "spotlight" (the chair as it is in the center and surrounded by lamps), it triggers our curiosity and looks "comes out" and turns out there is a special effect. If the artist didn't placed the artworks accordingly (like that), the audience might not know what is the purposes/what is so interesting about the artworks. 

2. What are the meaning of "The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness"?
The quote is from Nikos Kazantzakis, where it stated that it's for 'enlightment'. 

In my own interpretation, it might be (meaning) is 
Sometimes in our lives, through the days, there are days where we are on the bottom part, where we are so 'sad' and yet so 'down' with our lives, buried by problems and negative thoughts. In order to overwhelmed this, we need to realized that even though in the darkness, (maybe in our lives where everything seems so blurred, dark, sad) we need to see (gaze) in interest, we need to stay positives where we still trying to see with 'hope'. There, as we see this, we actually slowly but sure can see the positives ("bright sides") of lives, slowly we can see the "lights" that finally "enlight" our lives. 

3. Are you able to interpret the artist's intention without reading the description?
Not really. Somehow we understand that the artist is trying to create an interactive artworks where the lights creates rhythm. It probably about the lights and darkness. If the description that the questions mentioned is the "The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness" that we actually don't really get the intention of the artist, because the quote itself need to do some research and quoted from someone else. Our group took a lot of time to think about the quote and we don't really can find the meaning. 
The interpretation of different people might be different as well. As for me, for example, I take this quote as I stated in number 2, however, in connection to the artwork, it might be that the artist would show about the quote. The room is quite dark where there is only several lights, slowly blinking, but as we sit -we so called "day dreaming", gazing about the artwork, slowly but sure the other lights start to blink and start to blinking faster and faster, and then it creates rhythm. It creates a flow where the first point- we don't know about anything -yet. After to "gaze with our undimmed eyes" we start to notice things and get the "enlightment" of this artwork. 

4. Is creating excitement for the audiences is the key to a successful artwork?
In this case yes, because it creates the excitement to the audiences, it took our times to see, observe, and trying to understand what the artist has done. If there is no excitement (no interaction with audience), the audiences might not get the connection and doesn't understand the artist itself. For the description -however, we think that it might need some more text or description to enlighten the audiences more about the artwork itself.

5. Does complexity value add an artwork?

No -as in materials, it's actually quite simple because it is using the usual lamps and chair that we often see and use in our everyday life.

The 'complexity' here is the interaction where when someone sit on the chair the lights blink faster and creates rhythm and this, add a value in the artwork, because it is not just an art where people just stand and see, but also creates an interaction with the audiences. It need the audiences to "play" with it.